
Wednesday, December 3, 2014

LongJiLing Park - Heavenly Creatures

Along the water front walk of the park, there were stone sculpted creatures along the road. Of course, these stone sculpted creatures only lived in the accent Chinese literature. The worlds on the right side of each sculpture gives a name and describes the origin of each creature.

Monday, December 1, 2014

LongJiLing Park, YunYung, China

The park is located through the mountains where the county of YunYun laid out along the bottom of them The park is about 2.5 miles long and started from the summit of the Panshi City and end at the bottom of the mountain where the two rivers met. Long in Chinese means Dragon. They are as legendary creatures celebrated through this park. The old man was training his dragons
Panorama view of the city of YunYang from the Panshi City

Tuesday, November 25, 2014

Wanzhou City Skyline - Wanzhou, China

Wanzhou District is a city on the upper reaches of the Three Gorges of the Yangzi River in China. Wanzhou airport is located on the top of the mountain where the city is located. The airport drive near the runway provides spectacular view of the city.


Thursday, November 20, 2014

Interesting Decors at Xidan Road, Beijing, China

Tiananmen Square, Beijing, China

When viewing Tiananmen Square from the Tiananmen Gate Tower, the following landmarks come into sight: on the left, you'll find the National Museum of China, while in the center stands the Monument to the People's Heroes, with the Monument of Mao Zedong situated behind it. The National Museum of China graces the right side of the Square, with Mao's portrait prominently displayed on the front of the Tiananmen Gate Tower, leading the way to the Forbidden City.

Changan Avenue lies between the Tiananmen gate tower and the Square