
Wednesday, April 6, 2022

Trip to Spain and Portugal-Countryside from Badajoz to Cordoba, Spain

Leaving Badajoz, we continued our journey driving to Cordoba.  I took many photos of countryside from later afternoon till the evening when we arrived Cordoba.  It was almost dark.

I've never seen acres and acres of red soil on the ground. And the wooden sticks.  Are they wine farms? I wondered.

Trip to Spain and Portugal-(3) Badajoz, Spain-Bridge Puente de Palmas

 Leaving Evora, we got on the road to Codoba. On the way, we stopped at Badajoz for a break.

Walking on one bridge and admired bridge Puente de Palma from afar and it took our breath away. 

Bridge Puente de Palmas was Built in between 1460 and 1511, this bridge has 32 arches and is about 585 meters long.  

     The bridge we were walking on to see bridge Puente de Palmas and Badajoz River front

                                                         Bridge Puente de Palmas

Monday, April 4, 2022

Trip to Spain and Portugal-The Se-Evora Cathedral of Evora Portugal

Built between 1186 and 1250.  This cathedral was made of granite, it is one of the oldest and most important local monuments.  It was declared a World Heritage Site by UNESCO in 1988.

Photos here were taken inside the cathedral, showing the cloister and on the roof top of the cathedral.

The roof top provides great view of Evora town.

Entrance and Interior


On the Roof top

Sunday, April 3, 2022

Trip to Spain and Portugal-Evora, Portugal (continued)

Evora is an ancient city listed as a World Heritage site.  Here are many places you can enjoy on a sunny day:

Colorful town of Evora: shopping around, stop at the tourist office and have a cup of coffee

The building of the bank of Portugal

Praca  do Giraldo 

Evora Museum

Roman Temple of Evaor:
Known as the Temple of Diana, this roman temple is Evora's most iconic monument and a symbol of Roman Portugal. It's one of the best-preserved ruins in the Iberian Peninsula.