
Thursday, January 1, 2015

Happy New Year to Everyone, Everywhere

A dear friend of mine sent me 12 wishes for New Year, I wand to share them with you.

1.  Wish of Health
Health that all the money in the world can't buy

2.  Wish of Love
That life around you be filled with love, not with hatre and war

3.  Wish of Luck
That you never lack of anything in this life

4.  Wish of Dreams
That you have dreams so as to see them come true

5.  Wish of Courage
Courage to accept what you can't change

6.  Wish of Encounters
That you taste the sweetness of friendship and never feel lonely

7.  Wish of Family Unity
That you enjoy the enduring ties of a loving family

8.  Wish of Sucess
That all your projects be frutful

9.  Wish of Peace
That your heart be free of anxiety, hatrate, and envy

10.  Wish of Gratitude
That you rejoice for being alive each and every day

11.  Wish of Imagination
That you can see even beyound the wonders of creation

12.  The most important Wish
That you receive blessing each and every day in new year

May all the wishes to you come true in 2015!  And that you go out travel as often as you can!!

Friday, December 19, 2014

Rockefeller plaque


In 1962, the center management placed a plaque at the plaza with a list of principles in which John D. Rockefeller, Jr. believed, and first expressed in 1941. It reads:
"I believe in the supreme worth of the individual and in his right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.
I believe that every right implies a responsibility; every opportunity, an obligation; every possession, a duty.
I believe that the law was made for man and not man for the law; that government is the servant of the people and not their master.
I believe in the Dignity of labour, whether with head or hand; that the world owes no man a living but that it owes every man an opportunity to make a living.
I believe that thrift is essential to well ordered living and that economy is a prime requisite of a sound financial structure, whether in government, business or personal affairs.
I believe that truth and justice are fundamental to an enduring social order.
I believe in the sacredness of a promise, that a man's word should be as good as his bond; that character not wealth or power or position – is of supreme worth.
I believe that the rendering of useful service is the common duty of mankind and that only in the purifying fire of sacrifice is the dross of selfishness consumed and the greatness of the human soul set free.
I believe in an all-wise and all-loving God, named by whatever name, and that the individuals highest fulfilment, greatest happiness, and widest usefulness are to be found in living in harmony with His Will.
I believe that love is the greatest thing in the world; that it alone can overcome hate; that right can and will triumph over might."

Happy Holidays from New York - Rockfeller Center

A lot had said about Rockfeller Center, the national landmark. I remembered it from the movie "Sunday in New York City" where a man and a woman met on bus and stopped by Rockfeller center for tea. There, both man and woman managed to give the other a note to say good bye... at the end of the movie they got married. It is a classic. Anyone has a romantic heart should  check out this movie this holiday season.  You will enjoy it.