
Sunday, July 15, 2018

15 Day Kaleidoscope of Central Europe

This trip consists of 15 days, 5 capital cities of five countries and three other cities.  They are:
Poland’s Warsaw and Krakow
Hungary’s Budapest
Austria’s Vienna
Slovakia’s Bratislava
Czech Republic’s Prague
Germany’s Berlin and Dresden
Somehow, most of the stories told by the tour guide seamed connect to World War II.  Some of the cities listed above were spared from the bombing of the war and some were almost destroyed by it and later were rebuilt.  Therefore, some of cities have presented to you with old style architectures and some with new and modern style architectures.  Many museums and memorials visited were related to the world war II.    Each city is uniquely beautiful in its own way.  I hope my photos taken from this trip will give you a glimpse of each city and interests you to go and visit them. 

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