
Wednesday, September 28, 2022

Stockholm, Sweden -(5) Vasa Museum

The Vasa Museum is the most popular museum in Scandinavia and is home to the only 17th-century ship ever salvaged. The ship, which sank on its maiden voyage in 1628, is displayed in its entirety in the museum's seven floors, allowing visitors to view it from different angles. In addition to the ship, the museum also provides detailed stories about life on board. The sculptures on the ship are a colossal work of art, which were reportedly part of an advertising campaign from seventeenth-century Sweden with an enormous budget. Over 700 sculptures and decorations adorn the ship. However, the ship only sailed for a few minutes before sinking in Stockholm harbor, so life aboard never began.

View from the ground floor

Closer look at the sculptures from the higher floor

Sculptures on the head of the ship

The model of the ship and artwork shows the 450 men on the ship

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