
Sunday, May 4, 2014

Boulder, Colorado - Green Mountain

 Green Mountain is a prominent peak in the Front Range of the Rocky Mountains, located in Boulder, Colorado. 

The summit of Green Mountain rises to an elevation of 8,144 feet (2,482 meters) above sea level, and offers panoramic views of the surrounding area, including the nearby cities of Boulder and Denver. 

One of the most popular hiking trails to the summit is the Green Mountain West Ridge Trail, which starts from the parking lot at the base of the mountain and winds up the western ridge of the peak. The trail is approximately 2.5 miles (4 kilometers) long and gains about 2,500 feet (760 meters) in elevation. The summit of Green Mountain can also be reached via the Green-Bear Trail, the E.M. Greenman Trail, and the Ranger Trail, among others.

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