
Wednesday, May 10, 2023

24 Messina, Italy- The Bell Tower and Astronomical Clock

This 60-meter high bell-tower, reconstructed using old designs, contains one of the greatest of all astronomical clocks, a work by the Strasbourg firm of Ungerer placed there in 1933.

One of the most enchanting aspects of the astronomical clock is its animated figurines, which come to life during certain times. The most famous feature is the procession of the "Mechanical Christ," where every day at noon (or sometimes shortly after) the figures begin moving and show scenes from the history of Messina, including the handing-over of the legendary letter of protection from the Madonna to Messina.

The show begins with a gilded lion waving a banner and roaring, and the action continues for 15 minutes with animated figures popping out of windows. On the side of the tower facing the church façade, a clock face shows astronomical information.

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