
Monday, May 20, 2024

Australia- 1) Melbourne Zoo

Upon arriving in Melbourne by the sea, we boarded the #109 bus at the port to downtown Melbourne. The journey took roughly 10 to 15 minutes, depositing us at Crown Casino bus station.

Stepping off the bus, we noticed tram #58 pulling into the same station with a sign indicating it was bound for the zoo. Without hesitation, we hopped on board. Melbourne marked the final stop in Australia on our trip, and thus far, we hadn't encountered the country's iconic Koala. Hoping to catch a glimpse at Melbourne Zoo, we eagerly boarded the tram.

En route, we passed Victoria Market, offering stunning vistas of Melbourne's skyline, and the Royal Garden, which failed to live up to its regal name. The zoo was conveniently located at the tram station bearing its name.

Unfortunately, our zoo experience was marred by disappointment and expense ($46 to enter). There were hardly any captivating animals to be found, and to our dismay, only two Koalas were present, both sound asleep. Enclosed in a wire cage, their faces were obscured, making it impossible to capture a good photo. The zoo seemed to attract mostly young mothers accompanied by their toddlers, many of whom were snugly tucked away in baby carriages.

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